Casa Buenaventura thumbnail 4 Fernando Alda para EL PATIO arquitectos
Casa Buenaventura thumbnail 3 Fernando Alda para EL PATIO arquitectos

Works #880

Casa BuenaventuraRealized

EL PATIO arquitectos

EL PATIO arquitectos

Casa Buenaventura thumbnail 1 Fernando Alda para EL PATIO arquitectos
Casa Buenaventura thumbnail 2 Fernando Alda para EL PATIO arquitectos
Casa Buenaventura thumbnail 3 Fernando Alda para EL PATIO arquitectos
Casa Buenaventura thumbnail 4 Fernando Alda para EL PATIO arquitectos
EL PATIO arquitectos

EL PATIO arquitectos

Location Panama, Panama
Year 2012
Categories Architectural Design  >  Houses/Villas


The house is located in a beachside neighbourhood about 500 m from the coast. Its volume, divided into two parts, occupies the sides of the lot and opens up a courtyard in the middle. A permeable central space is created to facilitate the interaction of all the inhabitants interconecting the two wings. The eastern side houses five bedrooms and a den/family, along the western side runs a sequence of garage, storage area, service area, open kitchen & dining, outdoor living and barbecue terrace. The central entrance is aproched via a courtyard and leads directly to the ample roofed central space and roofed living room. A terrace with a central tree and the swimming pool with jacuzzi follow as the view reaches out over the adjacent lake. The central pool is framed by the eastern wing on one side and a series of concrete columns on the terrace side.
Wide overhangs protect the interior from the tropical sun and heavy rains. Together with the wide openings of the sliding doors this allows for cross ventilation regardless of the stormy weather. The dense vegetation and the natural stone-clad entrance courtyard walls on one side, and the central tree and large water surface on the other, create a microclimate that helps keep the house cool.
